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One of my US publishers, Open Road Media, occasionally does special offers on e-book versions of some of my books, offering them for one day only for US$1.99. The promotion always generates thousands of sales. Just goes to show that price sells, and it’s a great way to introduce new readers to your work. On September 9, Open Road are offering ‘Taking Hawaii’ at the one day only price. This book was the result of my investigation into the 1893 overthrow of the Queen of Hawaii, Liliuokalani, in a military coup led by 13 Honolulu businessmen. When the coup faltered. it was an Australian from Tasmania, Henry Waterhouse, who took up the rebel reins and brought off the overthrow of the queen and her government. Despite an attempted counter-coup in 1895, Hawaii was annexed as American territory in 1898, and then, in 1959, became an Amerian state – without the people of Hawaii being given the opportunity to vote on the loss of their queen and their country.

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